Tuesday, 10 September 2013


Photoshoot today with Faye Fleming! Taken in the same area as the one's of Hayley, but in different parts :)
Very pleased with today's shoot, everything went according to plan and the weather was definitely on our side!!

For more of these images, go to www.facebook.com/bittersweetphotography11

Monday, 9 September 2013


I had a photoshoot booked on Sunday 8th September which I was really looking forward to. Unfortunately, it was cancelled, but I did not want to waste my day, so I asked my sister to get ready and come out to do a photoshoot with me!
Usually, my Sister is very busy due to being a part time singer and full time teaching assistant, but luckily, I caught her on a good day :)
Within an hour, she was ready to go and I had chosen a destination which I think would work well with her outfit and would make great photo's- Greave's Hall.
Greave's Hall is about a 15 minute drive from where I live and is an old mental institute which has been burnt/knocked down. Although it was a huge, fantastic building, the graffitti, rubble and just general mess has made it into a great location for photoshoot's and music video's. 

Although Hayley found it quite difficult to climb over the rocks in her heel's, we made the most of what we had and got some good shots! I was very pleased with the outcome of the images for just a simple, easy and quick shoot. I also thought Hayley looked beautiful!

I particularly like the first image due to there being a puddle. I felt this gave the image an artistic approach with the reflection on the ground. I also like the negative space to the left of the subject. The only thing I would change would be to move her over slightly to her left to avoid unwanted shadows.
The last image was infront of part of the building where when I first visited the location, for a landscape and depth of field project in my first year of college 2 years ago, which has now either fallen down or been burnt down. I was very upset to see that this has happened, as me and my photography friends all came together and were able to stand inside there where there were about 3/4 different rooms, all with graffitti, holes in the ceiling where the light shone through in amazing ways and odd objects that people had left when they had also visited. With this now gone, I had to re-think and re-invent different ways to use what we had.

I had been given a new flashgun for my camera from a friend who was moving away, so I took the oppertunity and used it for the first time on this shoot. I was pleased that the images came out alot brighter and with excellent exposure. They didn't need much editing when I got home which was an added bonus and I was able to upload them to my photography page quicker!

I will be re-visiting this location in the very near future with another model I have lined up. However, we are going to explore it a bit more and find interesting, grungy and dangerous part's to it! Wish me luck :D

For more of these and other images please take a look at my facebook page